By Jason Witt
The Time has come to accept global warming is coming and it marks the End of the Age. Climate change can be slowed down but it's not going to be stopped. And right now almost nothing is being done to delay its onset. However, this outer End is your inner Beginning.
Because now is the Time of the Return of Jesus. Many people who call themselves Christian are out there preaching that we're living in the End-Times. But almost none of them have accepted what Jesus said about the Last Days.
He described His Return as happening during the summer. He told the simple Parable of the Sprig of the Fig Tree: when it buds you can tell that the summer is near. Few who bill themselves prophets have cared for the Words of Jesus Himself.
And the rest who do see global warming arriving tend to think it can be stopped. But there already aren't too many more chances to do anything about it, at least according to the climate scientists.
Those experts aren't conservative Christians in identity and yet they know the Truth about what's happening to the earth today. The religious people who claim they are the most devoted to Jesus are ironically among the most angry deniers of global warming. Why?
Climate change brings Jesus since He promised to come back with it. The millions of so-called Christians either deny it or want in vain to stop it from happening. Few of them believe Him to receive Him.
Jesus is near in their mouths and far from their hearts. If He were close in their hearts then they'd care about His Return and would know global warming is when it will happen. Instead they teach all kinds of distractions and diversions from any Inner Experience of the real Christ.
You can tell how they feel about Jesus inside themselves by how they feel about the climate change in the outside world; if they liked Him they'd be pleased to be blessed with His coming into their minds and into their hearts today.
You can be blessed by it even though most people never will be. This can be a Start for you. As the world hurtles toward its heated finish you can experience the wonderful joys of the Ultimate Times.
So watch for Jesus to return today. He will come into your mind and into your heart when He comes, just as He promised. Watch for Him always so you have the Chance to become one with Him. You won't have to wait very long.
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