All about GLOBAL WARMING EFFECT,greenhouse effect,global warming facts,global warming hoax,Tips For Fighting Global Warming AND Global Warming Solutions

Earth .......
You are the planet's most useful among other planet-planet

First when you are still young
You meet people with all the advantages you
You're more green, more fresh and you're able to protect us with all the advantages you

But now men have been destructive soul, wealth, and also your hearts

I forgive earth I can not do anything

I can only pray I hope you forgive them, not angry

Those who have destroyed you at this time

I was not able to see all this

But what would be said to have rice porridge

Now we can do is turn you like first, although we will still be difficult to try to end
God made the earth should not continue to languish law foolery that only mad wealth than saving their lives
God listen to my prayer

By Napoleon Miles

Global warming has an effect on tourism and the economies of many nations. Scientists are forecasting that the Caribbean and its surrounding areas will register a constant increase in temperature. The same can be said about the Mediterranean basin. Global warming has interesting effects on the tourism industry.

A characteristic of the northern countries is their low temperatures. With an increase in temperature their climate may be much warmer. This has very important consequences on the tourism industry.

Some counties may suffer from droughts in the near future. Many plants may not resist such high temperatures and many countries may become more similar to a desert. On the other hand, by the increase in temperature, countries like Canada and northern Europe will be more habitable than nowadays and so attract tourists and settlers.

Avalanches may also increase. Places used for skiing may no longer be appropriate for such an activity. So such places will no longer be a tourist attraction. On the other hand new areas may become adequate for skiing. In general we will be witnessing to a shift in the tourism industry.

The consequences of global warming are therefore a general shift in tourism from the Caribbean and the Mediterranean countries to that of Canada and the northern European countries. Countries like Italy, Spain and Greece may become too hot to live comfortably in. Presently these countries have a highly developed tourism industry because of their favorable climate. On the other hand countries like Canada, Great Britain, Sweden and Norway may develop booming tourist industries in the coming years.

Such a shift in the tourism industry will mean also a shift in resources. Northern countries will have to shift more resources from other industries to cater for the booming tourism industry. On the other hand Caribbean and Mediterranean countries must adapt to the new situation and shift resources from the now declining tourism industry to other more profitable industries.

By Bryan Wong

There are many predicted effects for the environment and for human life due to global warming. The main effect centres around an increase in the global average temperature. It's been confirmed by at least 20 scientific societies and academies of science, as well as all the national academies of science of the G8 states, that the Earth's global average air temperature near its surface rose by 0.56-0.92 C (0.98-1.62 F) degrees during the last 100 years. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes that this increase is very likely due to the "observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations, which leads to the warming of the surface and lower atmosphere by increasing the greenhouse effect."

For humans, these changes in climate are particularly dangerous to those who live near the ocean shore and who already suffer from drought, flooding, and poverty.

The IPCC concludes from models that global temperatures will likely rise by 1.1 to 6.4 C (2.0 to 11.5 F) degrees between 1990 and 2100, with the range of temperatures due to the use of differing scenarios of future greenhouse gas emissions and varying degrees of climate sensitivity.

Other effects of global warming include a rising sea level and changes in the amount and pattern of precipitation. In addition, there may be more frequent and intense weather events, such as more intense hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis, thunderstorms, blizzards, etc., though it is difficult to connect specific events to global warming.

Global warming is also causing changes in agricultural yields, glacier retreat, reduced summer stream flows, species extinctions, and increases in the ranges of disease vectors. The increased volumes of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released by the burning of fossil fuels, land clearing, agriculture, and other human activities are the major reasons why global warming has been occurring and increasing over the last 50 years.

Effects of global warming are expected to cause more changes as it becomes more pronounced; examples include the following projected climate changes (from Wikipedia):

- "A significant slowing of the ocean circulation that transports warm water to the North Atlantic; - Large reductions in the Greenland and West Antarctic Ice Sheets; - Accelerated global warming due to carbon cycle feedbacks in the terrestrial biosphere, and - Releases of terrestrial carbon from permafrost regions and methane from hydrates in coastal sediments."

It is uncertain whether for sure these events will occur or to what severity they will occur if they do, but most believe that the chances of at least one of the above events occurring are likely to increase the longer and more severe climate change becomes.

Some scientific members argue whether there will be positive effects from global warming, but most agree that any positive effects will be greatly outnumbered by the number of negative effects.

Projected climate changes due to global warming have the potential to greatly and irreversibly change our climate that will have lasting impacts on both the continental and global scales. One effect will be increased precipitation, due to the increasing temperature.

As Earth's temperature continues to rise, a very recent report from the IPCC shows that there will be an increasing impact to natural systems and people, especially those who live in Earth's poorer nations. In 2002, Colorado, Arizona, and Oregon endured their worst wildfire season ever. Also in 2002, drought created severe dust storms that caused hundreds of millions of dollars of damage in Texas, Montana, and North Dakota. Since the early 1950s, snow accumulation has decreased by 60%, which has led to some areas of the Cascade Range in Oregon and Washington to have shorter winter seasons.

As you can see, effects of global warming are very negative on our planet already, from increased air temperatures to rises in the sea level to more severe storms. Currently, it is a challenge to predict how many effects global warming will have and how strong those effects will be, but most of the scientific community is predicting that global warming will have more negative effects on our planet and way of life the longer and more severe climate change becomes.


By Kadence Buchanan

While many realize that global warming is occurring on our planet, few understand the implications that this may have on our way of life. These rising global temperatures are going to cause a host of changes on our planet, and we need to act now or prepare to adjust to some very profound changes.

First, these rising temperatures present a huge threat to our ice-caps. Layers of ice that have not melted for thousands of years are beginning to break apart and fall into the ocean. One of the biggest ice sheets on the planet, located on Greenland, is at a great risk of splitting apart and falling into the ocean. While it doesn't sound like too big of a deal, the loss of the Greenland ice sheet will cause catastrophic circumstances world wide. The world's sea level is expected to rise as much as 23 feet when the sheet falls, and that spells disaster for the coastal cities that represent some of the largest and most important centers of trade and commerce across the planet. Manhattan would be sunk; much of Florida would be underwater, and that's not even to mention the worldwide consequences. Every area of the globe would be affected by this rising of sea levels, and the disaster caused would make hurricane damage seem like a blessing. Millions of refugees from the coastal cities will be without home or workplace; it would be one of the hugest human issues ever faced in our history. The changing of the climate could also affect a host of circumstances on our planet; crop yields can be affected by the rising temperatures, which would also pose significant problems to a planet of refugees. Much of the land may become barren due to the effects of temperature change, and we may find some of our most arable lands subject to the effects of soil erosion, and eventually, a transition into desert land. Also, water supplies, forests, and plant and animal life would be affected by the planet's changes, and we may not be able to see how significant these changes may affect our lives until they are already upon us. For that reason, it's important that we increase our knowledge of global warming, and do our best to prevent it in the coming years. While it may have adverse affects on our economy and our way of life, we owe it to our children to give them a peaceful, safe planet to grow up in.

By Lance Winslow

We sure here a lot of talk about Global Warming these days, and the amount of PR promoting Global Warming Theory as fact is as alarming as what is being projected and predicted itself. Historically and evolutionary speaking warming periods and ice ages come and go, the geological record shows this, it's hardly any secret. Best of all during warming periods species have flourished not become extinct.

Thus, climate change in a time of warming time is a good thing, not a bad thing. So, one has to ask why on Earth anyone would want to 'stop' a warming period climate change? Especially considering that the opposite is an Ice Age, which actually would kill off many species and probably cause human populations into the area of 3 billion in world population rather than pushing 7 billion right now.

So, why would anyone have so much willful hate in them to reduce the human population and killing off 100s of thousands of species on Earth by promoting a cooling period? Further, the definition of Global Warming is that the warming of the Earth's atmosphere and climate is being caused by human endeavors. Most likely, it is not mankind that is causing this shift, as these cycles and shifts are common on Earth; it is the cycle of things on this planet.

Of course, some percentage of the climate, whether it is actually going up or down or neutral right now, would have to do with mankind, still that percentage is most likely very small. Global Warming Alarmists are either mislead or they are part of the group that has an agenda to push, one which is well funded to the tune of 100s of billions of dollars.

However, if this agenda helps clean the air from human pollution or clean the water, well that is a good thing. The question is should we be lying to ourselves about Global Warming to create an artificial reality and crisis, just to get our butts moving in preventing pollution? Or should we just all admit that pollution and waste are bad and agree to do something about it? Think on this.

By Christophe Catesson

Global warming is something that we all have to take part in learning how to prevent, not only in the USA but throughout the entire world. We all play a part in contributing to global warming and the only way to help prevent the devastating affects is to work together. Each of the governments throughout the world are striving to develop a prevention plan that can help reduce the amount of emissions they are creating in the atmosphere and enhance what they are doing to contribute to the solution instead of the problem.

A U.S Climate Policy has been created to help citizens of the USA understand global warming and that there are actions which can be taken in order to make a difference. This policy consists of 3 different parts:

* Slowing the growth of emissions
* Strengthening the development of science and research studies
* Enhancing international cooperation

If we can take these policies and principles and put them into action we can begin to see results. This policy is only the beginning of what the government can and should be doing but it is a great start. The politicians within our government are working hard to stick to this policy and evaluate the industrial areas of our country to make sure they meet the requirements of the U.S Climate Policy.

Since the future generations are depending on us to make the choices to rectify this devastating situation, every little effort counts. Our individual efforts are especially significant in countries like the US and Canada, where individuals release 10,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per person every year. The largest source of greenhouse gases is electric power generation. The average home actually contributes more to global warming than the average car. This is because much of the energy we use in our homes comes from power plants which burn fossil fuel to power our electric products.

The United States has agreed in principle to work with more than 180 other nations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to bring about the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous interference with the climate system. California, Florida, Hawaii, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington have all enacted laws or established policies setting global warming pollution reduction targets, while states in both the Northeast and West have signed agreements to achieve regional targets. Now the U.S. Congress is considering several bills that propose a variety of global warming emissions reduction targets.

The cost of the Kyoto Protocol is estimated to cost each of the developed countries involved billions of dollars. This is a financial responsibility each government should be willing to take in order to do what they can for the environment. Just when you go to the grocery store and find that organic foods are much more expensive than the regular foods; governments are finding that the cost to reduce greenhouse gases is far more than increasing them.

This one of the major problems our world as been having; it is far easier to create these gases than it is to reduce them and this is exactly what we have been doing for centuries. It is reassuring to see that the governments throughout the world are taking action but it is not nearly enough in order to stop the effects of global warming before they become devastating. Environmentalists and scientists are constantly working with government officials in order to come up with new, cost effective bills and legalities to reduce what they can of greenhouse gases.

By Chuck R Stewart

Global warming is occurring nationwide and the results are being felt by all Americans. Because the ozone layer is thinning due to toxic air pollution produced by humans, we are suffering the consequences of that behavior. Climate changes and the warming of the earth has been felt over the past decade in all of the states in America. What can you do to fight the heat during the hottest months? It will discuss how to save money by using Louisville air conditioning repair and Louisville air conditioning service to maintain your HVAC system as well as preparing your home to stay cooler from better insulation.

The warming trend has been a concern over the years and has been felt not only in the traditionally warmer climates like the south and southwestern states but also in the colder climate like Alaska and Vermont. One example is of Vermonters that have lived in their green mountain state for 25 or more years. Years ago air conditioning and even a fan was typically not needed during the summer months as the highest temperature usually was in the upper 70's. Now it is not uncommon to have hot, humid days that are well into the 90's requiring some form of cooling for these old farmhouses. Even as early as 15 years ago, new construction never included central air conditioning because it simply was not necessary and now that is no longer the case.

In Alaska the global warming is making an impact on the glaciers and water levels. As the glaciers that had always stayed frozen twelve months out of the year are now melting, it is increasing the areas water levels and causing some erosion of the land. Areas that were once land are now under water due to this melting of glaciers. Many ecologists are afraid that the present generation will be the last ones to be able to see such glaciers exist.

Some states like Florida, Georgia and Texas have always been warm but now have gotten so hot during the summer that is affecting its residents in an alarming way. There are a great number of deaths from extreme heat and humidity in these areas that local news channels are often warning elderly and children to stay out of the heat as it can make them very sick. Air conditioning is a necessity in these areas but not everyone can afford it. Fans in the windows can help a bit but a good idea is to have the insulation in your home replaced that will help keep your home cooler in the summer heat.

In states that have less humidity, swamp coolers are quite popular in cooling residences and work places. This is particularly useful in desert states like Arizona or Nevada where the air is dry and the temperatures are high. The swamp cooler sits on top of the roof and with a fan and water helps to cool the interior space of the home. Many think it is as effective as air conditioning at a fraction of the cost.

By Jacek Popiel

In the general public discourse the climate change debate has been, so far, confined almost entirely to the greenhouse gas issue. Our economycarbon footprint utterly dominates all climate change discussions. In actual fact there are several major influences acting on the global climate in terms of raising or lowering atmospheric temperatures. The warming induced by greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, is the first such influence.

However, while the physics of the greenhouse effect are clear, the chain of causality between greenhouse gas accumulation in the atmosphere and specific weather patterns is not fully understood. At this time the actual consequences of such accumulation cannot be accurately predicted in terms of timing and impact. The second influence comes from periodic variations in the earth orbit around the sun and in the inclination of its axis. These cyclical variations have been relatively well correlated with past ice ages and warmer inter-glacial periods.

According to some recent published research in this area our planet would currently be sliding into another cold period or ice age, although the timing is hard to pin down. The third influence, which has come into prominence only recently, is solar activity as manifested through the sunspot cycle. For the earth, a high sunspot count means warming, a low count cooling. Although the basic cycle has an average periodicity of eleven years, there are also long term variations which are not well understood.

Sunspot activity has just reached a low which may or may not be significant. But if this low persists, significant cooling can be expected. One can conclude that the overall picture is becoming increasingly ambiguous. Greenhouse gas accumulation due to the use of fossil fuels is no longer the only story in town, nor is warming the inevitable future outcome.

The purpose here is not to claim that greenhouse gas accumulation is not significant. It is to warn that other influences are in play which can be equally important, and that our scientific understanding must be increased before major economic measures, such as a tax on carbon emissions, are implemented. One such measure, a so-called cap and trade scheme, is currently under discussion in the US Congress.

Such a scheme has considerable drawbacks. First, it amounts to a highly regressive tax on energy, which will disproportionally affect the lower income fractions of the population. Second, it introduces huge market distortions which vastly complicate efforts to deal with the gradually increasing price and reduced availability of petroleum. To be successful, such efforts require first and foremost a realistic and workable long-term energy strategy, the elaboration of which must precede any large-scale government intervention in the energy area.

The US government at this time does not have such a strategy, which, as far as its impact on climate is concerned, must rest on a much better scientific understanding of the various influences on climate listed above. Funding to increase and test this understanding will have a far greater impact than any of the currently proposed schemes to reduce carbon emissions. Until such understanding is on more solid footing, there is no valid justification for major initiatives in economic policy on climate change grounds.

According to Wikipedia, global warming is "the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans in recent decades and its projected continuation."

Many observations indicate that global warming has taken place during the 20th century. This has resulted in an increase of the average surface temperature, a decrease in the snow cover and ice extent, and a rise in the sea level. The amount of precipitation, the amount of cloud cover, and the presence of extreme temperatures, especially in places where it's unusual to have extreme temperatures, are affected by global warming.

There are natural reasons that will affect global warming, as carbon dioxide is naturally in the air due to the fact that all living organisms that breathe in oxygen, exhale carbon dioxide, which is then taken in by trees and other plant life, which in return, give out oxygen for humans, animals, and other organisms that utilize oxygen. However, human activities over the last 50 years have significantly increased the levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other household gases in our atmosphere. This has led to the global warming that is occurring on Earth today. CO2 and other greenhouse gases tend to warm the Earth's surface, while anthropogenic aerosols tend to cool the Earth's surface.

Other current facts about global warming include

- The average surface temperature has increased by about 0.6 C (1.0 F) over the last 100 years. - Snow cover and ice extent have decreased. - The sea level has risen by 4-8" (10-20 cm) over the past 100 years. - About 75% of the annual increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide is due to the burning of fossil fuels, while the other 25% is attributed to anthropogenic changes in land use, like deforestation, overgrazing, and over cultivation, that reduces the net uptake of carbon dioxide. - In the 20th century, precipitation has likely increased in some land areas and decreased in others. - There has been some increase in cloud cover. - It's very likely that there has been less extreme low temperatures and slightly more extreme high temperatures. - There have been more warm episodes of the El Nino since the mid-1970s. - There's been an increase of droughts in some regions (especially in parts of Asia and Africa) over the last few decades, which is different from the pattern of small global increases in severe drought or severe wetness over the 20th century.

However, it seems that global warming has NOT changed some important aspects of climate:

- Some areas of the globe, like parts of the Southern Hemisphere oceans and parts of Antarctica, have not warmed in recent decades.

- There are no significant trends in the Antarctic sea-ice extent since 1978, the first year that reliable satellite measurements were used.

- There are no significant trends of global changes in tropical and extra-tropical storm intensity and frequency evident over the 20th century. Instead, there are variations within decades and across different decades, but not enough evidence to conclude that there were any significant changes across the 20th century itself.

- There are no systematic changes in the frequency of tornadoes, thunder days, and hail events in the limited areas that were analyzed.

It is clear that there is much evidence present in today's world that global warming is a real phenomenon, not something that is made up to scare people. Knowing these facts should help you learn what global warming exactly is and what you can do to help reduce or reverse global warming.

By Angel Abdulnor

The Arctic and the Antarctic regions play very important roles. How? First, like the human eyes, they are the mirrors to the soul; they are the first to manifest adverse effects like global warming. We witness these changes rather most drastically in these polar regions. Another correspondingly direct effect of global warming is: any change in the polar conditions affects those of all the other regions. Once the polar ice melts, this flushes more freshwater from the region's rivers, consequently holding the ocean from circulating fast enough, thereby causing higher sea levels. With more ice melting, more land and bodies of liquid water are exposed to the heat of the sun. These two, which naturally absorb more heat than snow and ice, causes more warming oceans and land masses. Worst of all is borne by the Arctic's perennially frozen soil - melting of the polar ice releases the greenhouse gases (carbon and methane) trapped within. This is very dangerous as the Arctic permafrost contains a third of the planet's total soil carbon content. Man-made emissions would fade in comparison is all this carbon were released. The National Center for Atmospheric Research has also predicted that the Arctic could be ice-free starting 2040 and sea ice reduced by 80% in the next couple of decades.

Warming of the Arctic has already been felt and is now a cause for apprehension. According to the Polar Bear Specialist Group (the absolute scientific authority on everything involving polar bears) several (5) of their populations in the world are now stamped as declining.

Just recently, the US. Fish and Wildlife Service (USF & WS) announced that the polar bears who once roamed the territory freely may soon be classified under the list of endangered species. The agency has, in fact, done the initial steps already formally proposing to do such that, include the polar bears in the critical registry. This alarming announcement has, in effect, granted the request (later escalating to a demand by way of a lawsuit against the USF & WS) of 3 organizations (the Center for Biological Diversity, the National Resources Defense Council or NRDC, and Greenpeace. For years, these three have been urging the US government precisely to act on the problem. It could be victory for the group, but not much since it has taken the concerned authorities this long ; it will now take painstaking effort to save the polar bears from extinction. An NRDC executive strongly referred to global warming as the one major threat to the survival of the polar bears. He urged further to stop delaying the action and to go full-force; no more half-measures.

Enlisting the species as endangered is not even the culmination of the unified effort; it is only the initial part of a long process. It should take the US Fish and Wildlife Service around one year to study the proposal before they decide on an action to take. Meantime, there is imminent danger that the polar bear would totally lose its sea-ice habitat as this one year rolls by. Loss of sea ice also means loss of their main source of food which are ice seals. This could also result to more mortality as the bears would tend to cannibalize their ranks in the absence of prey. Why? Mainly because enlisting a species as endangered does not necessarily mean ready plans would immediately be implemented. Steps would involve a stoppage on all activities that threaten the bears survival, before developing and implementing of a recovery plan are put to order by the Fish and Wildlife Service. Faced with the rate greenhouse gases are being emitted from the Arctic, this will indeed be a daunting task.

Talking about populations, it is not just that of the polar bears which lie victim to global warming. The Inuits, (a member of the Eskimo peoples living in northernmost North America down to eastern Canada and Greenland) depend on the sea ice for food. The dismal and continued shortening of their hunting season by 50% has had drastic effects on their lives. Will it not be long till a people and an era vanished from the face of the earth? Can we do something about it?

By Mike Hirn

An Ice Age brought on by global warming was the scenario depicted in the movie THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW. While the science on which the movie based has been called into question, there may be some merit in the theory that global warming could cause an Ice Age.

Why is Europe's climate comparitively milder than other places at the same latitude? Alaska and Greenland, both the same distance to the North Pole as Europe, are covered with ice and permafrost while most of Europe is not.

The ocean currents called the Gulf Stream bring warm waters up to Europe from the Caribbean. This water brings warmth to the countries in its path. Cooler water from Europe feeds back into the loop and causes the water to flow back to the Caribbean in a continuous cycle.

The Gulf Stream has been significantly weakened in every major cooling event, including the last great Ice Age. In the past this weakening has been brought on by natural events. In current times, global warming brought on by human activities could be the cause of slowing or even stopping the Gulf Stream. If this were to happen, the cold waters would stay in the area of Europe and the Northeastern US and could mean an Ice Age for those regions.

If an Ice Age occurs, it will likely be due to the melting of polar ice. This will dump large quantities of cold, fresh water into the ocean. It would disrupt the Gulf Stream and cause the cooling of many areas that now have milder climates. The return flow of cold water from Greenland, which goes back to the Caribbean, has already showed a weakening over the last 50 years. There has been a twenty percent decline in the amount of current flowing in this direction. It stands to reason that the warm waters returning from the Caribbean have also decreased in volume. The change would not be gradual. This is a phenomenon that takes place rather quickly. Perhaps it does not happen as fast as depicted in THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW. However, it could happen within a few short years.

A slowing or stoppage of the Gulf Stream would affect the entire earth. Observations have been made of current data and historical information gleaned by studying the ocean and the lands around it. With all the information at hand, it appears that it is indeed possible that global warming could bring about a modern Ice Age.

An alarm is being raised about global warming causing dramatic rises in the temperature of ocean waters. Scientists are studying warming waters all over the globe to determine the extent of this rise in temperatures.

The consequences of global warming are far-reaching. One of the most devastating effects of global warming is an impact on tropical storms. Hurricanes that would have been category 3 storms in years past are now category 4 or above because they are energized when they pick up warmer-than-normal ocean water. There has been a significant increase in these higher intensity storms over the last 35 years. In 2005, the Atlantic was bombarded with 27 tropical storms powerful enough to receive a name, and fifteen of them developed into hurricanes. Five of these storms were classified as category 4 hurricanes and four reached the level of category 5. Hurricane Katrina made a terrible mark on history in August of 2005. It became the costliest hurricane in American history and also one of most lethal.

Earth's ice is crucial in order to maintain the delicate balance in the environment. As global warming causes temperatures to rise in the oceans, glaciers and icecaps are melting more rapidly. One particular ice shelf in Antarctica, the northern section of the Larson B shelf, collapsed in recent years. Scientists suddenly realized how fast the ice shelf could disintegrate. The polar ice cap is dissolving at an astonishing rate as well--9% per decade. This recent phenomenon is a definite cause for alarm. In the last half century, the thickness of ice in the Arctic has decreased by 40%.

Perennial sea ice in the Arctic has been receding as well. In 2005 there was a record low in square miles of sea ice. Just two years later, in 2007, the record was broken again with half a million square miles less perennial ice than in 2005. Some scientists predict that all the sea ice will be gone by 2040.

Melting ice will also cause sea levels to rise. When this happens, islands are lost and coastal communities are flooded. Various suggestions have been made about the levels that the water could reach, anywhere from 10 to 23 inches by 2100.

Global warming has the potential to make the earth a very inhospitable place to live. Rising temperatures in ocean waters are a clear indication that the process has begun. With the melting of ice in the glaciers, icecaps, and on the sea, it is a matter of time before global warming has even more harmful effects. It is up to the people of the world to do what they can to stop or slow this alarming environmental problem.

By Lerrina Collins

No matter where you are, no matter the time of day, no matter the weather, it seems you can find someone talking about it. Recently it was at the grocery store. Two checkers couldn't agree. Global warming? Or not? Still stinging from the recent cold crunch, my vote was with the not. But what is true? Certainly the mainstream media is no help.

I must admit, I am a skeptic. After all, as Kenneth Chilton, director of the Institute for the Study of Economics and the Environment said, "These guys are going to try to tell you what the climate's going to be like in 2100, and the weatherman can't tell you what it's going to be like in five days. Weather is simple compared to climate. Let's get real here." 1

Yet the Associated Press continues to print headlines such as, "Climate report warns of droughts, starvation, disease." In fact, reporter Seth Borenstein prophesies, "Tens of millions . . . will be flooded out of their homes each year as the Earth reels from rising temperatures and sea levels. . . Tropical diseases will spread. By 2050, polar bears will mostly be found in zoos, their habitats gone. Pests like fire ants will thrive." 2 [emphasis mine]

Not until later does Mr. Borenstein regain some realism adding the term, 'could.' Why? What is his basis? His purpose? A dose of reality? A well-crafted rumor?

Can't we trust the news? Don't they present the 'facts'? If so, why the sensationalism? The contradictions? The mud-slinging?

A good example of today's conflicting propaganda is revealed in the comparison of two recent 'news' reports. Canada Free Press, which calls itself Canada's Fast Growing Independent News Source, presents one side. A guest essay by Ross Gelbspan, posted on 'The Grist', a website dedicated to environment news and commentary, expounds the other.

Ross, a 30-year journalism veteran, maintains the pace of global warming has kicked into overdrive. He claims, "the hollow optimism of climate activists, along with the desperate responses of some of the world's most prominent climate scientists, is preventing us from focusing on the survival requirements of the human enterprise." He contends we have "failed to meet nature's deadline."3

Miguel A. Guanipa, reporter for the Canada Free Press, disagrees. He says, '. . . no consensus is to be found among the 400 scientists that are listed on [the U.S. Senate Committee] report, other than the nearly unanimous agreement that the claim of Global Warming as a legitimate threat to humanity is more an ideological juggernaut than a proven scientific certainty . . .' 4

But, Ross goes on to say, "within the last two years, a number of leading scientists . . . have all declared that humanity is about to pass or already has passed a "tipping point" in terms of global warming. The IPCC, which reflects the findings of more than 2,000 scientists from over 100 countries, recently stated that it is "very unlikely" that we will avoid the coming era of "dangerous climate change." "5

Wait! Aren't they the same group who, in 2001, said we could expect the world's oceans to rise as much as 35 inches. But, in their 2007 report, reduced their forecast to 16.5 inches? 6

Mr. Guanipa contends, '[The 400 scientists'] consensus is based in the scientifically verifiable notion that . . . periodic Hemispheric warming (and cooling) of the earth are natural cyclical phenomena, caused primarily by fluctuations in the sun's electro-magnetic radiation, water vapor, and a host of other culprits meaner than the rise in carbon dioxide levels, which is actually an effect rather than a cause of warming. This natural cycle has taken place - and will continue to take place - over millennia. This means that the net impact that man - in all his industrial fury - has over any significant climate variations, is no more distinguishable - as a contributing former meteorologist puts it - than a "fart in a hurricane".'7

400 scientists? Why don't we hear more about them? According to the Canada Free Press, they feel their voices are being suppressed, their opinions ridiculed, and their jobs threatened. "They also contend that stripped of its thin veneer of scientific legitimacy, the theory of A.G.W. is nothing more than an ideological doctrine, and a dangerous one at that. . . [which stifles] healthy debate . . . on an issue that could have serious and lasting global economic and social repercussions."8

Still Mr. Gelbspan persists, 'This slow-motion collapse of the planet leaves us with the bitterest kind of awakening . . . For anyone anywhere who truly absorbs this reality and all that it implies, this realization leads into the deepest center of grief . . . There needs to be a vision that accommodates both the truth of the coming cataclysm and the profoundly human need for a sense of future.'9

This leaves one reeling. Is this just a war of words? Is it a spitting match? A power play? One has to wonder. Especially when one reads some of the comments on Mr. Gelbspan's commentary. One worker in the Environmental Protection field who has a science and mathematics background said, "I have studied this issue for many years, reading everything I can find on the subject, including all the IPCC reports (not just the executive summaries). I have yet to come across any credible evidence that increasing atmospheric CO2, man-made or otherwise, is causing global warming. To the contrary, all of the research-backed theories that seem to explain past climate changes have nothing to do with CO2. . . .So far, all this hype appears, in my view, to be based on computer models that are seriously flawed.' 10

It is enough to make one cry. Not only is this controversy, regardless of who is right, throwing a bad light on the scientific community, fueling the fires of controversy, separating friends, and making reporters sound like fools, but it is downright depressing.

One wonders how many people echo this reader's comment, "the future is going to s- - -, we just don't know how badly." Or this one, "This article kind of makes me want to go home, eat a handful of Xanax and stare at a wall for a while." Or even this one, "What the h- - - am I supposed to do now?" 11

What we don't need is more sloppy science, weeping politicians, false accusations, and blind denial. Pure and honest reporting from the mainstream press would be a great start. However, whether an environmentalist, Christian, or unconcerned citizen, everyone has a responsibility to their environment. What we do will effect future generations.

By Bryan Wong

The majority of the scientific community believes that global warming is a real threat to the world as we know it today. They believe that global warming mostly results from the emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from human activities such as industrial processes, fossil fuel combustion, and deforestation.

There are many causes of global warming. One cause is carbon dioxide that is made from the burning of fossil fuels from power plants for the purpose of electricity generation. Coal makes up 93% of these emissions. Coal emits 1.7 times more carbon per unit of energy when burned than natural gas and 1.25 times more carbon than oil. Consequently, natural gas gives off 50% less carbon dioxide for the same amount of energy produced. Another cause is carbon dioxide that is made from the burning of gasoline in internal-combustion engines of cars, minivans, sport utility vehicles, pick-up trucks, and jeeps. Poor gas mileage is considered the main culprit here. According to the Environmental Protection Agency's 2000 Fuel Economy Guide, a new Dodge Durango sports utility vehicle (with a 5.9 liter engine) that gets 12 miles per gallon in the city will emit around 800 pounds of carbon dioxide over a distance of 500 city miles; this translates to 19.6 pounds of carbon dioxide emitted into the air for every gallon of gas a vehicle consumes.

Another cause of global warming is carbon dioxide that is made from commercial trucks, contributing another 13% of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions.

Carbon dioxide that is made from airplanes is another cause of global warming - the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimates that aviation causes 3.5% of global warming, with a projection that it will rise to 15% by 2050.

Another cause of climate warming is carbon dioxide that is emitted by the structure of buildings, accounting for another 12% of carbon dioxide emissions.

Methane is another cause of climate warming, as methane is the second most important greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide. According to the IPCC, methane is 20 times more effective than CO2 in trapping heat in the atmosphere. US Emissions Inventory 2004 levels of atmospheric methane have risen 145% in the last 100 years. Sources of this rise in methane include rice paddies, bovine flatulence, bacteria in bogs, and fossil fuel production.

Another cause of global warming is nitrous oxide, a colourless, non-flammable gas with a sweetish odour. It is naturally produced by oceans and rainforests, while it is also artificially produced in nylon, nitric acid production, agricultural fertilizers, cars with catalytic converters, and burning organic matter.

Deforestation is also one of the causes of global warming, the second-leading cause only to carbon emissions. Deforestation is responsible for 25% of all carbon emissions entering the atmosphere, as 34 million acres of trees are burn and cut each year. The destroying of tropical forests alone emit hundreds of millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year.

City gridlock is another global warming cause. According to an annual study by traffic engineers from Texas A&M University, drivers in Los Angeles and New York alone waste 600 million gallons of gas annually while just sitting in traffic. That translates into around 7.5 million tons of carbon dioxide that is emitted into the atmosphere. And remember, just two major U.S. cities are named, not to mention the rest of the U.S. and the world.

Another global warming cause is just the amount of carbon already in the Earth's atmosphere naturally, as 750 billion tons of carbon are present. Add in another 800 billion tons of carbon that is dissolved in the surface layers of the world's oceans.

As you can see, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide are the major causes of global warming. You can also see there are many sources of these gases, especially carbon dioxide. Much work needs to be done in order to address all the causes of global warming.

By Meg Greenly

Many people who consider themselves to be a responsible world citizen, who want to do what they can to help the environment are finding themselves in a giant quandary in these times.


Because, they want to do their part to help control and maybe stop Global Warming before it is too late! The problem is, they just don't know what to do to help.

Sure, everyone knows they can get energy efficient light bulbs but, that just isn't enough to help an awful lot. You could get a car that gets a lot better gas mileage. But, what can all of us do to really help?

One thing you might consider, is to learn how to create your own renewable energy with some method which is non-polluting. Now, that would really make sense, wouldn't it?

If everyone did this we would no longer be dependent on the middle east oil. We would no longer need a large standing army to protect the oil and would not have worry About the enormous transfer of our country's wealth to the middle east This is what T.Boone Pickens has recently been talking about on television and the Internet.

We have known for several years that sooner or later we are going to run out of oil worldwide The experts seem to disagree widely on this issue and the probable date when will run out. Based on what some of the best researchers say such as, Thom Hartmann, author of the great book entitled "The Last Hours Of Ancient Sunlight" it will probably be some where around 2030. That's only another 22 years.

What will we do when this happens?... For sure, one thing we will have to change an awful lot of our habits and attitudes about what is really important to us. Don't you Agree?

It seems pretty evident that it is going to require a plethora of things, Only one solution won't solve the giant problem.

So the question is what can we do as concerned Citizens to help rather than just be a part of the problem?

*The best thing I can see, is to become self- sufficient, and not have to rely on anyone for Energy but ourselves.

*Get our own energy system and if possible even grow as much of our food as we can.

*Find a source of really healthy food preferably organic. Encourage our families to do the same.

How can the average person afford to be self contained and self-reliant? The answer, would seem to be:

*To practice all the conservation we can.

*Recycle as much as practical.

*I hear some great reports from people who have started using a device on their cars that uses some water for gas.

*New technologies have made both solar and wind power more efficient and affordable.

*Also, there are some excellent do it yourself manuals on building your own Energy Systems.

By Nick Tart

As an inconvenient truth, global warming is affecting our world. But who can physically feel the effects of global warming on a daily basis? Sure, this summer may have been a couple degrees hotter than the last summer, but do the majority of humans really notice this difference?

The human species is undeniably at fault for global warming but we are not necessarily the ones who have to cope with its effects. One of the regions most drastically affected by global warming is the Arctic Circle. And who lives there? Polar bears.

Studies have shown that over the last 20 years, polar bear populations have dropped nearly 25 percent. Not only have they dropped in numbers, scientists have also noticed that they have dropped significantly in size. Polar bears use their body fat to stay alive in cold weather and to float longer in stormy seas. Without excessive body fat, it is much more difficult for them to survive.

Four polar bears were recently discovered off the coast of Alaska after they apparently drowned during a violent storm. Scientists are beginning to recognize that the melting of the polar ice caps frequently leaves polar bears stranded on islands and ice burgs.

Polar bears can swim up to 100 miles to get back to the mainland, but it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to do this. They have to swim longer distances more often which consequently causes them to lose valuable body fat. Also, if the ice caps recede any more than 100 miles from where the polar bears are stranded, they will not be able to eat until the following winter.

Even if an individual polar bear is not in trouble, the fate of their species is in dire danger. Polar bears are simply struggling to survive in the current state of our planet, and if nothing changes they will become extinct.

Who knows? We could be next.

By Lance Winslow

During the election Global Warming was one of the most important concerns. It was always in the top one or two, but now it has slipped to number 20; how is that possible? Don't you find that interesting, I sure do and yes, that surprised me too when I heard that on the TV news.
Of course, if you live above the Mason Dixon line you are in the teens, zeros or below (with wind-chill) for temperatures. The Global Warming PR gets more play in the Summer Time, when it's hotter out. The EU is all about jobs and economics right now.

Plus, have you considered that this economic slow-down and financial crisis in the world economy has reduced consumption by a huge amount? I did see some Global Warming PR yesterday in the online news, but it was buried, people are into the New President, his silly Black Berry and what type of dog the girls get, and those unauthorized Beanie Baby dolls? You know it's all factually fictitious fodder for the masses. I have Obama Media Fatigue myself.

Also, when you have the new President on every TV station and his name on every page of every newspaper in the country, and he says "things are going to get worse, before they get better" and the normal doom and gloom on the financial news, well, you can see that the economic situation is on people's minds.

And unemployment is creeping up in many regions - lots of layoffs. Usually this signals the bottom, then the Corporations start returning to profits after the street gives them slack on their earnings, their stock goes back up eventually, a quarter or two, then the stock market leads the economy by six-months.

So, all these things are why Global Warming Theory is now on page 6 of the newspaper where it should be and why no one is particularly concerned. Think on this.

By Nathalie Fiset

What do you think could come in as more important to our basic human needs such as food, shelter, medicine, education or even the need for affection? There could be one issue that would predetermine everything that will transpire on the planet, and that is the planet's condition. If the world were on the brink of destruction, saving it would be the priority of every single individual. And save it we must. Although the threat is still not at a life and death level, there is an alarming truth that there are several problems that are now bugging the place that we live in. Say hello to global warming. And try to say bye - stop global warming!

Global warming, which is also known as the greenhouse effect, has been here long before you or anybody else out there existed. It's been here for thousands of years. And through those thousands of years, the earth's temperature has increased, and so has the effects of global warming. Time magazine has actually coined this problem as a planetary emergency.

There are major solutions that have been done worldwide to cope, alleviate or altogether stop the effects of this major problem. But among these choices, the obvious choice that the human race is supposed to concentrate on is how to stop global warming. Since we have all contributed to the occurrence of global warming (in our own little ways), then we should also join forces in combating this dilemma.

1. Join organizations that promise to educate you about the effects of global warming and what you can do to put a stop to this problem. Be an activist on this matter. After all, everything begins with you.

2. The next step is to conserve energy. And yes, there are so many ways that an individual can save energy. Let's list some here: car pooling, turning off appliances that are not in use; unplugging any electronic devices that are not in use; buying energy-efficient lamps; keeping the filters of your air-conditioning unit clean; taking a walk (instead of driving); turn off the faucet when enough water has been consumed; do not use appliances or products that release chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere (examples are hairsprays and refrigerators that have CFCs); use EEF appliances; start planting trees, etc. These are basic things that we have learned even from grade school and yet, tend to forget the most.

3. If you are a slave of your profession, then, cut on those work hours to help save energy. For every individual that would cut down an hour from his work, there would be millions worth of energy saved. Learn to maximize your time and to properly manage it. I guess you never imagined before that this could also stop global warming, huh?

4. Recycle. Need we elaborate on that?

5. Use environment-friendly fuels and vehicles. They may be a little bit more expensive but they do not contribute to pollution. Honda was the first to come up with a vehicle that is cell-powered, thus, there are no harmful emissions. If you cannot afford cell-powered vehicles just yet, you can opt for those that can run thirty miles in just a gallon of fuel. This way, carbon monoxide is greatly reduced.

6. If you can, harness the power of the sun, wind and water to generate electricity. There are equipments in the market that can be used to harness solar, wind or geothermal energy. These sources of energy are clean and reusable. If, again, you can't afford to tap on the power of these sources, then, at least, choose an electric provider that does not pollute the environment by the use of fossil fuels.

7. Insulate your home to prevent excessive use of heaters. During summer, dress lightly to minimize the use of air-conditioning units.

Most people would argue that these, altogether, would not stop global warming. Well, maybe for now that is true. But with the collective efforts of each and everyone in the planet, and if everyone would be disciplined enough to care for environmental issues such as this, then even two degrees off the present global temperature would be such a major feat. The most important thing is for all of us to do something, as you have noticed, we only have one planet to save. Beyond this, there are no second chances.

By Tal Potishman

Much ado has been made about "solid fuel" heating devices. A solid fuel heating device is, simply, a fireplace or chimney--a unit in which something is burned and the heat from that fire is transferred throughout the house while the dangerous components of the fire (smoke, soot, etc) are transferred out of the house via a chimney or piping system. You might consider a fireplace and chimney system to be old fashioned (and a lot of work) when compared to other heating systems, like underfloor heating, which have become popular in the last few decades. The truth is that solid fuel heating systems can help reduce your carbon footprint and global warming.

Solid fuel heating devices offer quite a few benefits that other types of heating devices do not. Here are just a few of them:

* Solid fuel is cheaper than other types of heating systems.

* A solid fuel heating device offers the homeowner more versatility than other types of heating devices.

* A solid fuel heating device is easier to control than some of the more modern versions of heating devices.

* There is nothing more reliable than a solid fuel heating system.

Of course solid fuel is not without its risks. If you do not have your chimney cleaned regularly, you could risk carbon monoxide poisoning as the chimney is the mechanism through which carbon monoxide and other dangerous materials are passed from the home. It is important that you do everything you can to keep your chimney unclogged and in working order. Today there are many mechanisms built into a chimney to help keep it clean, but it should still be inspected by a professional on a regular basis.

The nice thing about solid fuel burning devices is that they do not use power or raise your electric bill when you use them. You simply need to find something that is safe to burn to heat your home.

Some people find wood burning fireplaces and pellet stoves a great "in-house recycler" as it allows them to use their junk mail or other unwanted burnable items as kindling when a fire is built and the heat from a fire is much easier to control than the heat from a wall unit. Simply build a smaller fire or add more fuel to decrease or increase the heat.

Finally, the biggest benefit offered by solid fuel heating devices is their already mentioned lack of dependence upon electricity. Homeowners do not have to worry about utility bills rising in the winter. They also do not have to worry about heating their homes in the event that the power goes out! Even better, these devices help to reduce the homeowner's carbon footprint.

By Craig Hanks

In the public discussion of Global Warming, much is said about disappearing continental ice sheets and mountain glaciers, as well as growing deserts; with more droughts in some areas and more flooding in other areas. With new research indicating the acceleration of these processes, I would like to add a few thoughts on important aspects of increasing environmental heat that is not generally discussed with respect to this issue.

I need to preface my remarks with a few necessary facts for the reader's understanding. The average temperature of the oceans throughout their depths is 4° Centigrade; the average temperature of ice in the continental ice sheets and glaciers is about minus-17°Centigrade. One scientific measure of heat is the CALORIE (different than the food Calorie, which is 1000 times greater). By definition, one calorie is equal to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of WATER from 14.5°C to 15.5°C at standard atmospheric pressure. After water is frozen, the cooling of ice below 0°C actually requires only removing one-half calorie of heat to gain a drop in temperature of 1°C per gram of ice. So, reversing this process and raising the temperature of the continental ice from its average of -17°C to the 4°C average temperature of the oceans requires adding (8.5 + 4) calories of heat per gram of ice; thus a total of 12.5-calories of heat over this range. EXCEPT FOR ONE SURPRISING FACT!

What is not commonly known is that it requires 80-calories of heat to convert 1-gram of ice at 0°C into 1-gram of water at 0°C. Just to melt ice, without raising its temperature, requires about 6.5 times the amount of heat needed to raise the average temperature of the continental ice and glaciers to the average temperature of the oceans. The melting of environmental ice is a huge heat-sink that is presently buffering the effect of global warming; until we run out of ice.

Equally important for the production of snow and ice, it requires the removal of 80-calories of heat per gram of water-vapor at 0°C to produce 1-gram of snow at 0°C. This heat has essentially two places it can go, to avoid contributing to global warming; it can be radiated into space if the increasing greenhouse gases will let it, or it can be bound up by vegetation to produce woody fibers, as has happened in the past, when a tropical Earth produced the huge forests that became our present day coal and oil supplies (stored Heat). Of course we are presently over-harvesting the forests needed to do this job; we may be running out of trees as well as ice.

Although the fully melted glaciers and ice sheets would only add about 200 feet to the 12,600 foot average depth of the oceans, or about 1.6% by volume; the quantity of heat that would go into melting all of the environmental ice would raise the average temperature of the oceans 1.5° C if it were not for that ice. Actually most of the heat buildup in the oceans will be in the top 100 meters of seawater and very little heat will migrate to depths below 500 meters. So the heating of the oceans surface water would have been several degrees higher even now if it were not for the melting ice buffer. The environmental disaster of very warm ocean surfaces can only be guessed at.

Since the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets are shrinking and glaciers world wide are receding, the environmental ice that has been present for millennia is proving to be insufficient to do anything but mask the current buildup of heat input into the environment. As more ice melts, reducing the overall surface area of ice exposed to increasing heat from the air and water; more of our heat input will remain in the air, water and soil; and the process of global warming will accelerate.

We must remember that, especially in the northern hemisphere, wintertime can bring enormous amounts of snow to mountains and valleys. The melting of this snow removes significant heat from our springtime environment. If the amount of winter snow declines, because it falls as rain instead, heat will build up earlier in the year and reach higher temperatures in the summer, because the air and ground will retain heat that would have gone into the 80-calorie buffer of melting snow. Late spring is much cooler than early fall, even though the sun angle in the sky is the same, because the heat flowing into the environment in the Spring is being absorbed in the melting of snow and the evaporation of winter and spring moisture, rather than heating the ground we live on.

Similar to the loss of ice sheets and glaciers, the millions of square miles of permafrost in the soils of northern Scandinavia, Russia, Alaska, and Canada are absorbing 80 calories of heat per gram of ice and melting, reducing their overall area and heat buffering capacity, which will also accelerate the effect of Global Warming as this ice source disappears.

We are not running out of oil, or money, or time; we are running out of ice. There are significant consequences in daily and seasonal weather that will be impacted by warmer air and the 80-calorie factor of water to ice to produce snow high in the atmosphere. As the Earth's atmosphere heats up, it will hold more water as vapor to higher altitudes, forcing clouds and condensation to occur at even higher altitudes (or to not occur at all). The effect of this, in the temperate zones, will be an increase in the type of rain called Virga, rain that evaporates while falling and does not reach the ground. Rain that does reach the ground will be falling over longer distances through warmer air and will also evaporate more, so less will reach the ground and therefore rivers, lakes, oceans, and lands will receive less.

There is another heat buffer at work in our oceans; and that is the converting of water to a vapor. Typically we vaporize water in our kitchens by boiling it. Once we have boiling water (100°C), we must add another 540 calories per gram to convert it into water vapor at 100°C, almost 7-times the heat required to melt ice. Vaporization (evaporation by another name) does not require that all of a given quantity of water be raised to 100°C before vaporization occurs. With billions of water molecules in a gram of water, all colliding with each other thousands and millions of times per second, those water molecules on the surface of the land and oceans will have continuous opportunity to have their energy increased to become water vapor in the atmosphere. Global warming will increase the amount of vaporization and therefore increase the amount of moisture in the atmosphere.

As the ice, snow, and perma-frost disappear, the ongoing heat input that cannot find ice to melt will find water to vaporize. Since it requires less and less heat to evaporate water droplets as altitude increases, a buildup of greenhouse gases and increasing atmospheric heat will both tend toward a lot more water remaining as vapor in the atmosphere, rather than condensing into droplets necessary to form clouds and rain. Similar to the formation of ice from water, the condensing of water vapor into water droplets in the atmosphere requires the removal of heat from each gram of water vapor. This heat must be radiated into space or it will most likely be absorbed by the land and oceans, resulting in increasingly warmer and dryer soils and parts of the oceans that may become too warm to support the food chain.

There is a secondary effect, in the loss of ice and snow and cloud reflectivity that could accelerate global warming. Since ice and snow reflect nearly 100% of the radiation they receive, while rocks and oceans and vegetation absorb a very large portion of the radiation they receive. The reduction of ice and snow will add significant heat to the Polar Regions and mountains ranges; some of which will then be redistributed by the winds to all parts of the Earth. Today the Earth is to a considerable percentage cloaked in clouds and fog continually, a great deal of solar radiation is reflected back into space by clouds. It is very likely that there is a tipping point for the quantity of ice available to absorb heat and for the surface area of clouds, snow and ice to reflect sunlight into space, such that beyond that tipping point global warming could accelerate to an extreme of no ice whatsoever and very little cloud cover; and this could occur in a relatively short time-span.

One final thought on the acceleration of the loss of sea ice in the Arctic regions and loss of ice shelves near Antarctica, concerns the action of salt in seawater. We are all familiar with the use of salt to melt snow and ice on our roads and sidewalks. Those who live in areas that receive a lot of snow and ice each winter also know that salt is very active and efficient at melting ice when the temperature is around the freezing mark, but that salt is not useful or efficient at melting ice when the temperature drops below minus 15°C. How this affects sea ice that is in contact with seawater is this; when the Arctic and Antarctic oceans are very cold, the salt has little or no ability to accelerate the melting of the ice it comes in contact with. But as these oceans rise in temperature, due to global warming, the salt in seawater becomes much more effective at melting sea ice. Rising ocean temperatures that are still below freezing can accelerate the loss of sea ice, because of the effect of salt. And this is exactly what we are experiencing today. The ice in these regions is disappearing faster than anyone had calculated based solely on temperature increases to date; it is the increased effectiveness of salt from rising ocean temperatures that is responsible for the accelerating loss of sea ice.

Of course we may think that we are in dire straights, but it's not really that bad; compared to the year 2108, when everyone is living and working 20 feet or more underground, to minimize requirements for heating, cooling, avoiding ultra-violet radiation, freak storms, and other calamities. At least we can keep cool today with iced beverages and refrigerated air, while we leave it to our children to ask, what happens after the ice is gone?

By Cheryl Forbes

Everybody should be able to watch the movie, The Lion King. It explains very thoroughly the "circle of life" and how we should be careful with the delicate balance by which we exist. By being greedy and selfish, we can ultimately destroy the planet that we live in. In their case, it was the Pride Rock.

A very glaring proof of how selfish we have been is global warming. We have brought it upon us. That is why every disaster and death caused by the environment can be pointed back at us. It may come as a shock to you but the truth is we are at fault and we should be blamed.

However, all is not lost as we are still alive and we can do something about the future. The past is already in the past and we cannot go back to undo it. But there is still the future. Actually, to help minimize the effects of global warming, it does not take much on our part. We can do the following things: we can recycle; we can turn off the electricity when not in use or just use solar powered equipment and appliances. We can also lessen the use of our vehicles that are powered by fuel. We can walk or use our bicycles. You are not only helping the environment but you are helping yourself in becoming healthier.

Last but not the least, we all now how information is the key. Thus, let us spread the word about global warming and ways by which we can contribute by strengthening the delicate balance by which we live so we can prosper.

By Nathalie Fiset

While the drastic effects of global warming has been discussed in many scientific circles, had their run on TV and even had major exposure through well-meaning (but sadly inaccurate) Hollywood films, it's a concern that has a broad political, economic, social and geographical significance to countries all over the world. Quite literally, for all of us, there is nowhere to hide, nowhere to run and we can't stop the climate from changing. It's just way too big for us.

How to recognize global warming
Whether or not it's brewing something good or something bad, Nature always tries to warn us through many signs. The slow process involved in global warming results in many different things and some of its signs include:

Melting of glaciers
Most of the mountain glaciers on our planet that have been monitored for the past 150 years are reportedly shrinking. The glaciers most affected by global warming those located in the lower latitudes and many of them are disappearing. If glaciers continue to shrink, it could affect water supply in areas that depend heavily upon mountain watersheds.

If the scenarios of global warming continue, most of the glaciers that still stand today will disappear by 2100.

Ocean warming
Sea level increase is attributed to warmer temperatures, which in turn result to the melting of ice glaciers. Over the last 100 years, sea level has increased from 10 cm to 25 cm. Projections over the next hundred years indicate that sea level will rise higher, from about 15 cm to 90 cm. Based on the higher figure, that's about 3 feet.

Translated, this could mean that beaches lose about 50 feet of area for every foot of increase in sea level. Some islands may even disappear beneath sea water completely.

Heat waves
Heat waves and periods of weather that are unusually warm are also signs of global warming. These may come about with varying degrees of their severity and frequency, causing concerns in the economics and health on a global scale.

How global warming brings climate change and what it means to us
The earth's climate has always been changing, although not at an abrupt rate. There had been periods of warming and cooling in the earth's 4.65 billion-year history. Strange as it may sound to some, this is the reason why life became possible on this planet millions of years ago. Unfortunately, not all of the changes in climate brought about by global warming may be beneficial to many of us.

For one, global warming will raise the temperatures in some regions of the Northern Hemisphere, causing the melting of mountain glaciers. This means that areas that are currently experiencing light snow may no longer experience snowfall anymore. Snowlines found in mountains in temperate regions may also be higher and packs of snow will melt earlier than before.

Spring may be experienced earlier and temperatures during night time and in winter will rise. The world will experience a more humid atmosphere since sea water will have a higher rate of evaporation. With greater humidity, rainfall is expected to increase on average.

Storms will also occur with more frequency and intensity. Ironically, water in the soil will evaporate faster, causing dryness between rains. Regions that are already considered dry will experience more dryness. Some semi-arid regions in the African continent, for example, may suffer more while areas that depend on their region's mountain snow packs for irrigation will not benefit from earlier melting between growing seasons.

With warmer weather, some hurricanes will be more severe and winds are expected to blow stronger. It is also possible that wind patterns may shift. Extremely cold periods may be experienced as well.

The phenomenon known as El Nino may occur in more frequency and severity. This is expected to affect different regions in many countries. All in all, scientists will have some difficulty in predicting weather patterns.

With changes in climate brought about by global warming, health concerns and risks may also increase. Heat stress and diseases may become common in places that did not have any problems with them before.

Global warming is an issue that requires immediate action. Even plants and animal species are adversely affected by it. While many of the changes that occur in our planet are totally out of our hands, we have been direct contributors to events that have had negative effects on our environment. This is why many leading social and scientific organizations have urged nations to cooperate in the move to counter this worldwide problem before it's too late.


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